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Sazerac Rye

A very drinkable rye

0 385

TReview by @Turmio

22nd Dec 2009


Sazerac Rye
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Nose reminds me clearly of toffee, in addition of sweet spices. Some fruity notes in it as well.

Body is smooth, medium bodied.

Taste has rye sweetness and spicyness. Some of those fruity fragrances stay in palate. Perhaps some pepper in it too?

Overall, a very drinkable whiskey. Not too complex, but great just for enjoying.

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Turmio commented

This was for the 6 yo Saserac Rye actually. For some reason it got published as if for the 18 yo.

15 years ago 0

joshk commented

Love this stuff. Can be drank neat or in a cocktail/mixer. I go through 2-3 bottles a year.

14 years ago 0

Turmio commented

It's a shame this (like any American whisky) is hard, or almost impossible to get around here. I'd like to try the 18 yo version, but it's simply not available here.

14 years ago 0