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Teachers' average rating is 76/100 from 17 reviews and 65 ratings

Teachers reviews

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Teachers Highland Cream

Another Light Winner Teachers Highland Cream

I'm trying some of the lighter Scotches over a hot summer, and this is one on my list. This one, unlike Dewar's White Label, I'm having neat. Although I will likely pour it over ice another time. A nice…

mBy @mhock666 years ago 3 390

Teachers Highland Cream

It taught me a thing or two Teachers Highland Cream

I posted a review of this blend over on my blog. I've had Teacher's many times throughout my adult life and I've always enjoyed it as a casual drink to which I don't have to pay much attention. I rece…

@OdysseusUnboundBy @OdysseusUnbound7 years ago 5 582

Teachers Highland Cream

Creamy Like Its Name Says Teachers Highland Cream

Right off the bat I gotta say this is one of the more complex scotch blends for the price. Where I live in Canada this is only around $30. It says on the bottle that it contains 45% Ardmore which a…

@HullBy @Hull8 years ago 0 081

Teachers Highland Cream

Excellent bang for buck... Teachers Highland Cream

This was one I tried while visiting my family in Canada. My dad loves a good brandy, and has only a passing interest in Scotch. But he did have a massive bottle of Teacher’s on hand, and I have to say…

@hunggarBy @hunggar10 years ago 0 481

Teachers Highland Cream

Above its weight class... Teachers Highland Cream

Well it’s vacation time and I’ve been drinking a lot of Cognac and Armagnac as I visit the folks in Canada. My dad loves a good brandy, and has only a passing interest in Scotch. But he does have a…

@hunggarBy @hunggar10 years ago 0 081

Teachers Highland Cream

Simple Teachers Highland Cream

Teacher's Highland Cream is considered to be a rather common blend – it is pretty cheap – but so far I had only tried the 1988 version. Time to try a modern version as well, a bottling from 2014. If I…

@markjedi1By @markjedi110 years ago 0 077

Teachers Highland Cream

Teacher's and Taxes Teachers Highland Cream

Because it's Tax Day in America, I'm taking the cap off a bottle of Teacher's Highland Cream and toasting the legions of unelected bureaucrats in my fair country. This unpretentious dram is medium gold…

@SimeonSanchezBy @SimeonSanchez10 years ago 0 078

Teachers Highland Cream

Bad Teacher but an okay dram Teachers Highland Cream

Teacher's Highland Cream is rather famous blended whisky. It got 90 points by Jim Murray in his Whisky Bible.I don't totally agree with Mr. Murray but I do like Teacher's Highland Cream. Good dram, when…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti11 years ago 0 079

Teachers Highland Cream

Sweet and Peaty Teachers Highland Cream

The last time I had Teacher's was many, many, many years ago. Back then however I remember it being a bitterly dry whisky. Coming back to it after all these years was kinda exciting, so I decided to…

@cheeserandyburgBy @cheeserandyburg11 years ago 0 073

Teachers Highland Cream

Nice blend for peat hunters Teachers Highland Cream

I have gone through a number of these bottles. There has been some batch variation. I find that even bad batches still have peat (unlike bad Grant batches). The problem with a bad batch of Teachers’ is…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 283

Most reviewed Teachers whiskies

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  • Where can I read Teachers reviews online?
  • What is the best Teachers whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Teachers?
  • Is Teachers peaty? Is Teachers smoky?
  • Where is Teachers whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Teachers whiskey?
  • What Scotch region is Teachers from?
  • Is Teachers classed as whisky or a whiskey?