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Teeling Single Grain

A Rich Cabernet Finish

0 888

@VictorReview by @Victor

3rd Apr 2015


Teeling Single Grain
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Teeling Single Grain Whiskey is 5 yo, and has been finished in American Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Casks. The reviewed bottle has bottle code L14 010 305, and has been open for 13 days

Nose: a beautiful array of medium and high-pitched flavours present immediately. The quality of the wine flavours is very high. Grain flavours are present and agreeable, but muted

Taste: the nose translates well to the palate, with honey flavours added to the mix. There is a very good balance among the wine, grain, and honey flavours, and a lot of complexity among the wine flavours

Finish: medium length; keeps all the major flavours and very good balance

Balance: I am a big fan of this bottle. Hopefully other batches of Teeling Single Grain Whiskey are equally delicious. At a recent tasting attended by eight persons, this Teeling Single Grain Whiskey was universally liked and among the top favourites of the group

Water added: 1) very much sharpened the wine influence in the nose, 2) diluted and dulled the flavours on the palate, while binding together the wine flavours, and 3) muffled the flavours on the finish. I prefer this without water

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talexander commented

Thanks - I quite liked this one as well.

9 years ago 0

Abunadhman commented

Thanks Victor! You mirror my experience,almost exactly. With a couple of drops of distilled water in 50ml. I get the most wonderful Treacle Toffee on the nose and palate; it's more pronounced (for me)with this small addition - I tried it neat and it was fine then I took the smallest sip of distilled water and a sip of Whisky and married them in my mouth and 'Bingo'!


9 years ago 0

BigJoe commented

@victor, I had my eye on a bottle of this. How helpful that you have recently reviewed it. I will have to see about acquiring a bottle for myself, though these things sometimes take time to turn up where I am. Based on your review here I would likely enjoy this one if our senses are anything alike.

9 years ago 0

Victor commented

@BigJoe, all eight people we tasted the Teeling Single Grain Whiskey with liked it very much, and liked it MUCH better than we thought of the Teeling Small Batch whiskey. If your bottle tastes like ours did, I expect that you will greatly enjoy it.

9 years ago 0

poeznjuice commented

Teeling will be great in the future. Mark my words.

9 years ago 0

Barnbip commented

Teeling is definately worth trying! The Teeling Single Malt is (in my opinion) a real value-for-money-whisky and the 21 year old is simply fantastic!

9 years ago 0

jack09 commented

When they say grain whisky, do they mean corn? or is it a blend of corn and malt?

8 years ago 0

Victor commented

@jack09, "grain" in Ireland means anything but malted barley. In practice this usually means corn, or corn and wheat. If you combine barley-malt whiskey with whiskeys from other grains you get an Irish blended whiskey, and not a "single (distillery) grain whiskey". "Single Pot Still" Irish whiskey is yet another distinct type which combines malted and unmalted barley together.

In days past oats may have been used in blended whiskeys, and to the best of my knowledge the laws would also allow unmalted barley to be used in "grain" whiskey.

Irish and Scottish distilleries seldom give detailed information about which grain(s) are used, and the percentages of each, though they absolutely should. Even with high proof distillations diluted down to 40% ABV there is a lot of difference between the taste of corn and wheat.

8 years ago 0