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The galg-Anonymous connection?

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dbk started a discussion

Among the most recent reviews by @galg are Maker's Mark (standard expression), Maker's Mark 46, and the Glenlivet Nadurra. Among the most recent reviews by @Anonymous are Maker's Mark (standard expression), Maker's Mark 46, and the Glenlivet Nadurra. Both of their reviews of Maker's 46 are nearly identical—the differences are but a few words here and there, and half a star in the rating, but even the typos are the same—strongly suggesting that the newer review (by Anonymous) has been copied and modified only slightly from the earlier one, posted eight days earlier (by galg). Their reviews of Maker’s (standard) are again nearly identical; this time, the only difference is the substitution of “?” (Anonymous’s review) for “Bottom line” (galg’s review), and this time, Anonymous’s review came first (though they were posted within the same hour). Finally, their reviews of the Glenlivet Nadurra are again nearly identical, other than the addition of opening and closing paragraphs in Anonymous’s review; again, Anonymous’s review came first, but they were posted within the same hour.

Things get more interesting. Although Anonymous’s reviews of Maker’s (standard) and the Glenlivet Nadurra were posted prior to galg’s on Connosr, both reviews were published on galg’s whisky review blog, Whisky Israel (whiskyisrael.co.il), a week ago. The additional text in Anonymous's review of the Glenlivet Nadurra on Connosr was indeed part of galg's post on Whisky Israel.

Hypotheses, anyone? Could Anonymous, “the phantom whisky reviewer”, BE galg—perhaps forgetting to log out of one account before logging in to the other? Could Anonymous be the most blatant plagiarist known to Man? Could there be a conspiracy afoot, or something decidedly more ordinary? Could I have drunk too much coffee this morning? Let the rampant speculation begin!

14 years ago

10 replies

WhiskyNotes replied

It happened to me several times that I realized that I was not logged in while publishing a review. I think the warning that you are publishing as "anonymous" could be bigger, it tends to get overlooked. In fact I don't even see the point of publishing an anonymous review so maybe it should be blocked alltogether?

14 years ago 0

yossiyitzak replied

@dbk When I first saw this I stopped in my tracks. Then I realized that I've posted many a comment and even a review under anonymous here. Perhaps there should be something to stop anonymous reviews/comments on Connosr?

14 years ago 0

dbk replied

Aw, the solution to this mystery is so boring!

14 years ago 0

yossiyitzak replied

@dbk I know, it's a drag, no?

14 years ago 0

galg replied

yes, it's a simple solution.

it was me, when not logged in. until i realised it, and then re posted.

Good work , Sherlock ;)

14 years ago 0

Victor replied

Did you get all of this discussion, Jean-Luc?

14 years ago 0

Connosr replied

For a long time you could submit a review without having an account, this functionality has been removed now so we shouldn't see that being a problem any more :)

14 years ago 0

dbk replied

Case closed!

14 years ago 0

Victor replied

@dbk, does this bring your sleuthing percentage up to about 95%?

14 years ago 0

dbk replied

Not that I'm counting or anything, @Victor, but yes I'm now at 95% sleuthing power ; )

14 years ago 0