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Willett's average rating is 90/100 from 25 reviews and 62 ratings

Willett reviews

(page 2 of 3)
Willett Straight Rye 2 Year Old

Cannot wait for the 4 YO! Willett Straight Rye 2 Year Old

I am not overly fond of Ryes. I think in general I prefer sweetness to a dry or higher spice profile. That being said, I tried this at a bar as it was a new arrival for them, and it was an inexpensive…

@OnibubbaBy @Onibubba10 years ago 0 185

Willett Single Barrel Rye 3 yo

A 3 year old prodigy... Willett Single Barrel Rye 3 yo

It’s a challenge finding anything other than scotch in Taiwan. Bourbon is rare, and rye is utterly non-existent. That’s why whenever friends or family come to visit, I promptly ask them to pick up som…

@hunggarBy @hunggar11 years ago 0 392

Willett's Single Barrel Bourbon

Where there's a Willet... Willett's Single Barrel Bourbon

I’m primarily a Scotch drinker, attempting my first bourbon review here, so I’ll limit my comments mostly to tasting notes. If you want a succinct history of the Willet Distillery, please see @Victor’s…

@WhiskyBeeBy @WhiskyBee12 years ago 0 090

Willett Rye

Good stuff Willett Rye

Bottle at Proof, Tallahassee, FL. Nose is rich coconut dessert, butter pecan pie.Taste is similar to Bulliet Rye with chocolate and banana split dessert.Palate is fluffy, rich, soft.Yum.

@GT2By @GT212 years ago 0 585

Our Willett reviews page may help with these questions

  • Where can I read Willett reviews online?
  • What is the best Willett whiskey?
  • What is the average rating for Willett?
  • What is the mash bill for Willett?
  • Where can I buy Willett whiskey?
  • Is Willett wheated?
  • Is Willett classed as whiskey or a whisky?
  • Is Willett on the bourbon trail?