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Aberlour's average rating is 85/100 from 230 reviews and 828 ratings

Aberlour reviews

(page 1 of 23)
Aberlour A'bunadh

A faithful friend Aberlour A'bunadh

As most of you know by now, I have liked Aberlour A’Bunadh from the outset of my whisky journey which began in earnest in 2011. In the early years I would buy at least one of every batch that I could get…

@NozinanBy @Nozinan11 months ago 5 089

Aberlour A'bunadh

Aaaaaah’Bunadh Part 2 /2 Aberlour A'bunadh

It’s a rainy Saturday afternoon. My son and I had to postpone our visit to the zoo. Having done everything assigned to me by my wife, I have time to do a couple of reviews. But what to choose? While…

@NozinanBy @Nozinan3 years ago 5 088

Aberlour A'bunadh

Aaaaaah’Bunadh Part 1 / 2 Aberlour A'bunadh

It’s a rainy Saturday afternoon. My son and I have to postpone our visit to the zoo (Monday’s forecast is promising). Having done all the chores assigned to me by my wife, it’s time to do a couple of…

@NozinanBy @Nozinan3 years ago 7 190

Aberlour A'bunadh

Lucifer Aberlour A'bunadh

I have tried quite a few a’bunadh in my day, batch 60 only last November, but recently got a bottle of batch 66. The buyer was not very fond of it and asked me to take it off his hands. I did so gladly…

@markjedi1By @markjedi13 years ago 5 585

Aberlour A'bunadh

Fresh & Sweet Aberlour A'bunadh

Not too long ago Aberlour launched their a’bunadh Alba, matured on bourbon casks, as an extension (or is that replacement?) of the a’bunadh that is matured exclusively on Spanish sherry casks. The last…

@markjedi1By @markjedi14 years ago 3 185

Aberlour A'bunadh

Tobacco Leaves Aberlour A'bunadh

LeavesAberlour have been releasing their a’bunadh for more than 20 years now. ‘From the well’ it means. I have had the good fortune of trying some ten batches and they’re all pretty close taste-wise.…

@markjedi1By @markjedi14 years ago 3 087

Aberlour A'bunadh Batch 50

Andalusian Muscle Part II Aberlour A'bunadh Batch 50

I don't think there's anything to say about Aberlour A'bunadh that hasn't been covered before. The review was done in part from a sample graciously provided by @Nozinan but I also realized the 1/4 bottle…

@cricklewoodBy @cricklewood4 years ago 6 388

Aberlour A'bunadh

Something Wicked This Way Comes Aberlour A'bunadh

A'Bunadh needs no introduction. I've reviewed Batch 53 and Batch 58, and I'm sure I'll review more batches. I've liked pretty much every Aberlour offering I've ever tasted so, spoiler alert, it's unli…

@OdysseusUnboundBy @OdysseusUnbound4 years ago 3 686

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  • Where can I read Aberlour reviews online?
  • What is the best Aberlour whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Aberlour?
  • Is Aberlour peaty? Is Aberlour smoky?
  • Where is Aberlour whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Aberlour whiskey?
  • What Scotch region is Aberlour from?
  • Is Aberlour classed as whisky or a whiskey?