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Aberlour's average rating is 85/100 from 230 reviews and 828 ratings

Aberlour reviews

(page 22 of 23)
Aberlour A'bunadh

The Giant Aberlour A'bunadh

Perhaps some will think yet another review of the Aberlour A’bunadh is unnecessary, but I find there is something about this dram that commands sufficient respect as to warrant it. So here’s my take on…

@dbkBy @dbk14 years ago 0 1790

Aberlour A'bunadh

A sherry Bomb. Megaton! Aberlour A'bunadh

Nose: Rich, thick fruits, sultanas, sugar, syrup and dates. Biscuity, Big and sweet.Palate: Big, thick fruit here as well.Plums,Prunes, Sultanas, Espresso, dark chocolate, buttery biscuit. Wow, it’s just…

@galgBy @galg14 years ago 0 290

Aberlour A'bunadh

Batch #21. Took A While. Aberlour A'bunadh

I bought this bottle of batch 21 almost a year ago. Tried it several times (about a third of the bottle) and didn't like it very much. I couldn't get past the massive alcohol bite, even with a good dash…

@BlueNoteBy @BlueNote14 years ago 0 785

Aberlour 10 Year Old

Take Me To The River Aberlour 10 Year Old

Nose, Taste, Finish and Balance are graded out of 2.5 each:Nose: Malt on the label, malt on the nose. Lots of it. That as well as an uncanny resemblance to Wrigley's Juicy Fruit chewing gum. Perhaps in…

@OJKBy @OJK14 years ago 0 680

Aberlour A'bunadh

Nature's adventures Aberlour A'bunadh

After my second nosing and tasting session, this one really left an impression. But I must say, I have trouble understanding this intricate whisky. My batch is a number 26 with the top ABV I believe.The…

@AnonymousBy @Anonymous14 years ago 0 095

Aberlour 16 Year Old Double Cask

Very good...but not great. Aberlour 16 Year Old Double Cask

The Nose: Mmmmm…all sweet and hardly any peat. Bourbon-y brown sugar and Maraschino cherries. There’s a chewy caramel roll/sticky bun quality as well. Lots of sherry tones come out as well, ripe raisin…

@TheCasksBy @TheCasks14 years ago 0 380

Aberlour A'bunadh

One of the best batch's? Aberlour A'bunadh

Nose : Raisins, orange peel, blueberries Taste : Sweet, sherry, lemons, vanilla and white grapes Finish : Rather long, raisins and ginger!! Comment: Lovely and so complex. One of the best sherried…

@I_SPEYBy @I_SPEY15 years ago 0 487

Aberlour 10 Year Old

Understatement Aberlour 10 Year Old

Nose: the nose was slightly oily and generally very light. There were hints of nut, apple, and a light floral note...overall it was quite freshBody: I found this whisky very smooth. The after-taste…

@StephenBy @Stephen15 years ago 0 370

Aberlour A'bunadh

Dark, rich and exciting Aberlour A'bunadh

The box and bottle have handwritten labels telling you which batch your bottle comes from and the alcohol level. Mine is batch 28. So I guess unless you've read a review of all the batches it means…

@PierreBy @Pierre15 years ago 0 492

Aberlour 12 Year Old Double Cask Matured

Sweet and Punchy Aberlour 12 Year Old Double Cask Matured

I picked up this bottle without doing too much research on it (I usually take my time and do my homework to find a great drink)and man, did I wish I did my homework on this one! Its very hard to get a…

@noodlexyzBy @noodlexyz15 years ago 0 360