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Alberta Distillers' average rating is 83/100 from 38 reviews and 89 ratings

Alberta Distillers reviews

(page 2 of 4)
Alberta Premium

Easy Does It Alberta Premium

Alberta Premium is distilled in Alberta from rye grain grown in the Prairies. While it carries no age statement, the bulk of the whisky used in this bargain-priced offering is aged for five years, mainly…

@OdysseusUnboundBy @OdysseusUnbound6 years ago 3 083

Alberta Premium Dark Horse

My Kingdom For A Horse Alberta Premium Dark Horse

Alberta Premium is known in Canada for their high rye content. In fact, the "stock" Alberta Premium is made from 100% rye. Dark Horse was available in the United States under the name "Dark Batch" for…

@OdysseusUnboundBy @OdysseusUnbound7 years ago 1 1780

Alberta Premium 30 Year Old

Woody and complex Alberta Premium 30 Year Old

This whisky passed me by as it did so many others...but thankfully with the help of @paddockjudge traded my way around to get a bottle, and a sample was procided to me as wel by @paddockjudge , for which…

@JasonHambreyBy @JasonHambrey9 years ago 2 393

Alberta Premium 25 Year Old

Fabulously Dry Alberta Premium 25 Year Old

This whisky, a 25 year old 100% rye whisky, is undoubtedly one of the most unique bottlings in the modern era of whisky. It was bottled in 2006, from distillate at least 25 years old at one of the for…

@JasonHambreyBy @JasonHambrey9 years ago 2 396

Alberta Springs 10 Year Old

Alberta Springs 10 Year Old Alberta Springs 10 Year Old

A ten year old whisky, with a pretty heavy rye mash. It used to be fully rye, but now other grains are also used. It is another product out of Alberta distillery. The nose is very interesting and unique…

@JasonHambreyBy @JasonHambrey10 years ago 0 082

Alberta Premium Dark Horse

Alberta Premium Dark Horse Alberta Premium Dark Horse

This whisky is a bit of a bolder release from the regular line of Alberta products, even with a tiny bit of sherry added to it (directly rather than through a sherry barrel). I believe it is, more or…

@JasonHambreyBy @JasonHambrey10 years ago 0 086

Alberta Premium

Alberta Premium Alberta Premium

In light of some recent discussions on this whisky on connosr, here is my review. This whisky has always intrigued me because it is so cheap, 100% unmalted rye, and is so highly regarded by Jim Murray…

@JasonHambreyBy @JasonHambrey10 years ago 0 080

Alberta Premium

Alberta Pride Alberta Premium

I loathe the bad rap as "cheap whisky" that this receives in my home province. This is better than the good majority of Canadian whiskies out there, and is only at a value price due to lower taxation…

@beerguychrisBy @beerguychris10 years ago 0 182

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  • Where can I read Alberta Distillers reviews online?
  • What is the best Alberta Distillers whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Alberta Distillers?
  • What is the mash bill for Alberta Distillers?
  • Where is Alberta Distillers whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Alberta Distillers whiskey?
  • Where in America is Alberta Distillers from?
  • Is Alberta Distillers classed as whiskey or a whisky?