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Amrut Intermediate Sherry Matured

Perfect Sherry; Batch 2

0 1294

@VictorReview by @Victor

4th Dec 2014


Amrut Intermediate Sherry Matured
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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The reviewed bottle is of Amrut Intermediate Sherry matured whisky, Batch 2, bottled September 2010. This review was compiled when the reviewed bottle was newly opened, though I have also had samples previously from another bottle from this same batch

Amrut avoids the horrible Scottish whisky sherry cask sulphur contamination problem by dumping the sherry in Spain, filling the casks immediately with Amrut cask strength whisky, and then shipping them back to India for further aging. 'Intermediate' refers to a sequence of bourbon-sherry-bourbon wood aging

Nose: superb rich clean vibrant sherry flavours. Most of the sherry flavours are medium-pitched, with some also at both the high and low registers of pitch. Vanilla and caramel from wood are well-integrated within the fabric. Sweet and tart are in excellent balance. Barley-malt flavours are understated and sub-rosa. There is a hint of cocoa

Taste: big finely-edged clarion call pure sherry flavours. The nose is strong, the palate enormous

Finish: long, intense, and beautiful

Balance: this is super-beautiful sherried malt whisky. Compared with Batch # 5, this Batch # 2 is more emphatic and sharply edged, but less lush and full. By standards other than Amrut this Batch # 2 is incredibly full whisky

With water? The nose fuses together, brings out granulated sugar and is less interesting. Water brings out flavours of sweet cherry on the palate and finish

Amrut Intermediate Sherry has very few peers for quality. This quality of sherry maturation is the way Scottish sherry matured malt whisky tasted 50 years ago, before the sulphur onslaught ruined many of the casks. Amrut Intermediate Sherry is expensive whisky, but very much worth it

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RoganFox commented

NIce review Victor. Would love a bottle of this but so expensive here on the west coast of Canada.

10 years ago 0

Victor commented

@RoganFox, one of my bottles of Intermediate Sherry, from Batch # 5, came to me through that well established Canadian source for whisky good things, Calgary. The Calgary price was not bad.

10 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

On sale, it can be around $100 in Calgary. This is where I got my 2 bottles. The first ordered online (and picked up by my brother in law), and the second in the winter of 2011, I believe. Both batch 5, and very, very excellent. I have just a little left of the first bottle. I would love to have a spare on hand when I open the second, but it is quite pricy... and unavailable here in Ontario.

10 years ago 0

CanadianNinja commented

I am really excited to open this one!

10 years ago 0

Victor commented

@CanadianNinja, I opened up our first bottle of Intermediate Sherry at a tasting with friends in Toronto, with 11 people in the room, and maybe 40 whiskies on hand. I looked over 15 minutes later and a third of the bottle was gone. Though I missed that shared whisky I very much understood why it went so fast.

Also the box is so handsome I would kind of hate to throw it out...

10 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

It is a nice box. I would happily pay less for an ugly box...

I first tasted mine in Calgary with my bother in law. I loved it. I opened my bottle in Toronto and it was an entirely different experience. I now know that I should not drink it after another sherry monster. With a fresh palate it is exquisite.

10 years ago 0

MaltActivist commented

This is one of my all time favorite sherried whiskies. Love the balance. The only thing that trumps this for me from the Amrut range is maybe the first batch of the Portonova - which is another excellent example of sweet wine maturation done right.

Another stellar review @Victor

9 years ago 0

Astroke commented

My beloved sister has procured this for me in Nova Scotia, $120 Cdn.Thinking this is a bargin at this price anyway. I cannot wait to pick it up. The Bourbon Cask when discounted in Ontario at $56 cdn may have been one of the great steals of all time.

9 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

That Bourbon cask started at about $127 CAD and about a year later came down to $74.75 (when I bought them). Around the time the Peated CS was discounted from $106 to $76 dollars, the last few bottles of the Bourbon casks were selling for about $45. I tried to phone chase them if they were within driving distance of Toronto but to no avail. I have some bunkered away. Having decanted the last 120cc I can say the last part of the bottle is as great as the first.

9 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Astroke, it is a blessing to have a beloved sister who procures whisky for one. I have one too.

I think that you are going to love your Amrut Intermediate Sherry.

9 years ago 0

Astroke commented

@Victor, yes it is, she brought her brother a Springbank 12 cask strength batch 10 her last visit here as it has not been available in Ontario for 3 years now. I will tell you that it was your review of the Amrut in question that convinced me to have her pick it up :)

@Nozinan, I too tried to chase down some of those last few bottles of the Bourbon Cask to no avail.I will just have to regulate the last third of a bottle.

9 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@Astroke, I'm happy to share a dram with you in the future as I'm well-stocked.

9 years ago 0