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Ardbeg Uigeadail ... worth the price ?

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By @LeBudfrumHull @LeBudfrumHull on 25th Sep 2010, show post

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dbk replied

@LeBudfrumHull, as I'm visiting family in Québec, I took the plunge a bought bottles of the Uigeadail, Glenfacrlas 15, Lagavulin DE, and several others I can't get in ON at the moment (or in the foreseeable future). The price point is ridiculous, but I'm willing to try these bottles at this price ONCE to see if they're worth it to me. If so, fine: I'll suck it up and spend ridiculous amounts until the LCBO and the SAQ disappear (and please let that be soon!). If not, then I'll wait until I find them at a better price. Frustrating, but there you have it.

13 years ago 0

drinix replied

I have a question for everybody. What are the differences between the Uigeadail and the Corryvreckan? How would you compare the two malts?

13 years ago 0

drinix replied

Hi @markjedi1, thanks for the advice :D. It's certainly a good starting point! Loved your reviews. I have an unopened bottle of Corryvreckan (that won't last very long in that state), and I think I'll add very soon a bottle of Uigeadail. Cheers.

13 years ago 0

RexAlban replied

@drinix I liked your question. No one is prepaired to out on the limb though, pity. It would be nice to hear from the "experts". I guess suggesting you read the reviews is the easy way out.

13 years ago 0

drinix replied

Thanks for "having my beck" @Rex-Alban! Actually what I was hoping for, was a H2H comparison from a whisky expert.

13 years ago 0

RexAlban replied

@drinix In my book the only REAL whisky experts are guys like Richard Paterson, Brian Kinsman and David Stewart. Most of the Master Blenders remain anonymous, avoiding the limelight.

13 years ago 0


I'm going to wrap up this thread by saying that IMO it is worth the price... it is expensive ,but damn its good !

I've had this scotch with & without water and I'm convinced that this malt needs a small amount of water in order to bring out it's finest scents & flavors. I've shared drams of this single malt with many people and they've all been equally impressed. Now if I can only find a bottle of Uigeadail on sale ... my bottle is going to be empty soon... :(

13 years ago 0

Wodha replied


13 years ago 0

Ol_Jas replied

I know this is an old thread but it's one that comes up if you search for Oogie + Corryvreckan stuff. To give my quick take on the question @drinix posed (in 2010!), the Oogie is BEAUTIFUL while the Corryvreackan is POWERFUL.

I prefer power.

9 years ago 0

cherylnifer replied

@OlJas ...whew, thank you for noting this as a old thread. I was reading it from the beginning and did not note the posting dates. AboutChoice's comments about lack of Compass Box whiskies in Michigan threw me (quite plentiful now, and very enjoyable) as did his quoted price of Aberlour A'bunadh (now US$15-$20 higher). Fortunately, the price of Ardbeg Uigeadail has only risen US$5. Probably cannot say the same about the quality though. Thanks for refreshing this thread.

9 years ago 0