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Benromach 10 Year Old 100 Proof

Young high-flyer

9 3389

@Pierre_WReview by @Pierre_W

1st Dec 2017


Benromach 10 Year Old 100 Proof
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Benromach 10 years old 100 Proof was first released in 2014 and is part of the distillery's core range. Its maturation regime is as follows: 80% in ex-bourbon barrels and 20% in ex-sherry hogsheads, with the last year getting married in first-fill Oloroso sherry casks. My bottle is dated 30 September 2014.

The nose is rich and lush and begins with vanilla and a thick layer of dark fruits: overripe plums, oranges and cherries, together with notes of marzipan. Then notes of wax and leather come to the fore, followed by hints of coffee and cinnamon. Absolutely gorgeous!

The palate is medium-bodied and spicy. The first flavour I get is subtle smoke, then more vanilla and oranges, followed by balsamic vinegar and a touch of grass. Cinnamon and caramel flavours develop later on.

The finish is long and warming, rather dry and dusty. Light sherry notes are accompanied by oranges and a hint of chocolate.

I am truly astonished! Given the tender age of 10 years I was not prepared for the multifaceted and intricate flavour profile of this whisky. This is interesting and delicious at the same time, and in a blind tasting I would have guessed this at between 15 and 20 years of age. One of my highlights this year and a permanent fixture of my whisky cabinet with immediate effect!

Related Benromach reviews


KRB80 commented

Great review. Truly astonishing indeed! This whisky has quickly become one of my favorite drams of all-time. It checks so many boxes (even the bourbon boxes!) and with such balance! With every pour of this juice, I am truly amazed at what G&M have produced, especially at such a tender age statement. Adding water, little by little, throughout the dram will change the character and amplify the experience tenfold; it takes water VERY well! I plan on purchasing 2-3 more bottles with my quarterly bonus this year.

6 years ago 3Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

This is a fantastic expression, and I think you really brought that out in your review. It's a shame that, when it was available in Ontario, it was woefully overpriced. For its quality, at approximately $85 in Nova Scotia it was almost a steal.

6 years ago 3Who liked this?

Robert99 commented

@Pierre_W I only have a dram of it but my experience was very close to yours. I bought a bottle and I am waiting to finish a few more bottles to open that one. If I remember correctly the only thing I had that you haven't mentionned is some leather or tobacco. Although those notes of leather and tobacco were not as beautiful as in last year version of Bunnahabhain 18 yo ( I did manage to get one that will be in my possession soon.

I find that you are palate is close to mine and would expect you to really like the Bunna 18. Great review by the way.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Pierre_W commented

Thanks, guys, for your comments. I had had a dram of this before but was able to truly appreciate it only after I had bought a bottle. @KRB80, I have not much experimented yet with water, this might be something to further explore, thanks for this. @Robert99, I do like Bunnahabhain 18yo but have not yet properly explored it. A noble dram indeed! You are right: our palates seem to be quite alike.

6 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Pierre_W, thank you very much for another excellent review.

I feel like I am living in some sort of hermetically sealed parallel universe because I have not yet tasted either the Benromach 10 100 Proof or even the standard Benromach 10 yo. Well, there is something to which to look forward. Whenever I see a whisky about which much good is said and no one says anything bad, I know that that is one to try. It is quite difficult to displease no one.

6 years ago 3Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@Victor THAT DOES IT! Next time you're here I am opening a bottle of the Ben 10/100. Hopefully I will have either some of my current bottle of standard Ben 10 for you to compare to (maybe I'll pour off a sample just in case) or another bottle (my BIL bought one but he tasted from mine and it's not his style).

6 years ago 2Who liked this?

Pierre_W commented

I believe that I am speaking on behalf of many if I say that you will not be diappointed with this one, @Victor.

6 years ago 2Who liked this?

Victor commented

Bravo, @Nozinan! ...and thank you.

@Pierre_W, I would be extremely surprised if I were to be disappointed by the Benromach 10 100 Proof. Your recommendation alone would be reason to try it.

6 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@Victor This became a must-have whisky when @Maltactivist posted his review and video a couple of years ago. It wasn't available in Canada at the time but sometime later my brother was passing through UK so he and his wife muled a couple of bottles over and the a friend later found a bottle in Nova Scotia.

If I had a limitless storage area (and funds) I would have a case of this in reserve. It's that good.

6 years ago 4Who liked this?

KRB80 commented

@Nozinan To that last statement: INDEED!

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Pierre_W commented

@Victor, you are too generous!

6 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

@Pierre_W I have one of these on the way. I love the regular 46% version and I am anxious to try the 100 Proof version. I have yet to see anything but great reviews for this one, including your excellent review.


6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@BlueNote I'd love to try the 46% version. Here in Ontario we only had the 100 proof and the 43% version. I think it must have been the KGBO taxing away 3%.

6 years ago 2Who liked this?

BlueNote commented

@Nozinan It's a great bang for the buck, even here in BC.

6 years ago 0

casualtorture commented

Haven't had this one but based on all of you and your glorious praise I'll have to seek it out. Wonder how available it is here in Nashville?

6 years ago 0

OdysseusUnbound commented

I'll just add my voice to the choir of praise in here. I really, really liked the Ben 10 @ 43%. I believe I rated it an 88/100 or 89/100. And seeing as I'm a big fan of higher strength offerings, I'd wager I would score this one at least a 90/100. Benromach is truly unique, as far as I'm concerned, and they're producing top quality juice. If I see some more at my local Ministry of Spirits commissary, I will purchase with extreme prejudice. Double-plus good.

6 years ago 3Who liked this?

Robert99 commented

@Pierre_W I just opened my bottle of Benromach 10/100 and I have to say that I didn't remember how big and beautiful is this malt. The malt is really giving a nice deep low note. I also love the dirt note, a note, I think, that would be better describe as potato skin before you give it the last wash.

@Victor You would love this malt.

6 years ago 5Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@Robert99 I believe @Victor WILL (not would) love this malt. Yes, I'm being pedantic, but also optimistic.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

RianC commented

This review reminds me how much I liked this one. I have an ever growing list but really should get another (or two) for the stash - along with the 10. Not just excellent malts, but excellent vfm too!

On a reassuring note, I spoke to a Benromach representative (well actually, he worked in the labs I believe) at a festival and he assured me that maintaining quality is paramount and that they have the kind of access to abundant fresh casks (due to the G&M ownership) that is envied across Scotland.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

MadSingleMalt commented

@RianC, can you tell us any more about their ready access to "abundant fresh casks"? From where?

6 years ago 0

Wierdo commented

As I mentioned elsewhere on connosr I tried my first Benromach the other day with the 43% 10 year old. I was very impressed with it and thought it was quite complex for a young abd reasonably priced whisky. I now want to try more of the Benromach range. Can't decide whether to get this 100 proof 10 year old or the 15 year old next?

6 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

Recomiendo el 10/100 ... oops

I recommend the 10/100.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Pierre_W commented

Same opinion as @Nozinan: go for the 100 Proof. The 15yo is decent enough, but the 100 Proof is of a different kind altogether.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Robert99 commented

@Nozinan Being French Canadian, you have to be more explicit if you are giving me a grammar explanation or if you are making a comment with your change of verb tense. I passed a five minutes studying both sentences and I am still not sure so I don't know how to react.

6 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Robert99, both your hypothetical subjunctive mood verb form and @Nozinan's indicative mood future tense verb form are correct and expressing two separate ideas. @Nozinan is merely forecasting the actual event as being guaranteed in the future, and no longer a hypothetical.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@Robert99 It was a reference to the thread started by one of our most recent members in Spanish, to which I had replied just before that post.

6 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Nozinan, I think that @Robert99 is referring to your one post prior to that one.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@Victor boom HA ! I see now. Yes, you are correct. I was predicting as fact that I will open my bottle the next time you and taste together.

But now that I think about it, you HAVE tasted this:


4th comment on the page.

6 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Nozinan, hhhmmm, I hope that I tasted the Benromach 10/100, but I do not remember it. I will need to taste it again.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Robert99 commented

@Nozinan I was trying to make kind of a prank but the joke is on me.

6 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@Victor That can be arranged...

6 years ago 0

RianC commented

@MadSingleMalt - Sorry for the late reply, only just saw this.

I was chatting to the fella for a good twenty minutes whilst unashamedly gushing about the quality of the 10, 10/100 and the 15 that I was sipping at that time (which I shall open a bottle of at xmas!)

I was asking about their production methods and how they seemed to be able to produce such quality and flavourful whisky at such a young age compared to other distilleries (I was polite, I think!?). The 15 was like nothing I'd tried before but was soooo good! He put it down to their distillery methods; slow run, quality ingredients, dunnage warehousing etc etc but primarily highlighted the quality and availability of casks that they have. They are owned by independent bottlers Gordon and Macphail and as such have access to a large stash of quality casks in a way that few distilleries in Scotland do. Unless ownership of the distillery changes, or they decide to tweak things for the worse, BR should be maintaining the quality they produce for years to come.

That, I'm sure, is music to many malt heads' ears but it also highlights a big issue in the Scotch industry which will only get worse - that of sourcing enough quality casks to meet demand. It also shows, to me at least, just how important casks are to the final product . . .

I asked about the 5 year old (which was his favourite apparently) but they have decided to cease production on that one, I can't remember why though, shame.

I also have a Peat Smoke in my stash - I think I love Benromach heart_eyes

6 years ago 3Who liked this?

MadSingleMalt commented

Hey @RianC, good stuff there on the quality at Benromach.

I still wonder, though, what the root of all that is. Does G&M have a sherry bodega they partner with exclusively, or something along those lines?

And I think that Benromach love is contagious, and extremely virulent! I caught it myself from very limited contact. I've never gone through a bottle myself, yet I have the following in my stash:

•The 10/100, based on its reputation.

•The standard 10, because if you have the 10/100 then you gotta have the standard too to compare!

•The NAS Traditional (which preceded the 5), because they let me taste it in Binny's and I was pretty impressed for its price.

•The Peat Smoke, because I heard good things. It's been in my stash forever, but I finally tasted it this month at a bar and I was very impressed! Delicious young peat in the mold of Longrow CV.

Opinions on the 15 seem more divided, but it sounds like you're a big fan. Duly noted. I'll probably, you know, drink one or two before I decide to buy any more, but when I do, I'll keep that 15 in mind.

6 years ago 2Who liked this?