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Booker's average rating is 86/100 from 33 reviews and 39 ratings

Booker's reviews

(page 3 of 4)
Booker's Batch C04-1-19

Sooner or later.... Booker's Batch C04-1-19

I've avoided this moment for three years. As a less than moderate (more like mild) drinker, I've had trouble keeping up with all the malts I want to try, let alone, branch out into bourbons or rye. But…

@NozinanBy @Nozinan11 years ago 0 487

Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Booker Smarter Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

This stuff changes with time, as to be expected. The changes are dramatic, and worth the wait.Give this stuff at least 15 minutes in the glass before you put your big ugly lips on it and start sucking…

RBy @Rigmorole12 years ago 0 085

Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Yes Sheriff Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Nose: Dry, vanilla, honey, sweet apple and rich smokePalate: Strong cedar and oak, a plank of wood to gnaw on. Cloves and cardamon in the saw dust. The rich smoke is always present, just waiting for the…

@ewhiskeyBy @ewhiskey12 years ago 0 495

Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Serious Complexity Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Booker's small batch bourbon is the top-of-the-line product of the Jim Beam distillery. It is an uncut, unfiltered, bottled-straight-from-the-barrel bourbon that comes in at a whopping 130 proof. But…

BBy @BourbonNorth112 years ago 0 293

Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Jim Beam Gets It Right! Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

My wife, brother and sister in law and myself recently got back from a trip to our local whisky bar, Helvetica, where we got to try quite a few new whiskies.The Hakushu 18 yr old (meh at best), the…

@SquidgyAshBy @SquidgyAsh12 years ago 0 082

Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

thick, sweet and delicious Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

To be specific on the batch this bottle came from the batch No is: C04-A-28.Nose: buttered corn, pastry, mild cigar tobacco, hard candy's and some sweet nuttiness, has a very 'thick' quality about it,…

JBy @Jason014212 years ago 0 088

Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

An explosion of flavor Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Nose: Raw and bold. Charred oak coated with sugar, vanilla, egg nog, pralines, vinegar, a bit of pepper. Really inviting.Taste: BOOM salted caramel! Nuts and sweet milk chocolate. As dbk put it, it's…

@DellnolaBy @Dellnola13 years ago 0 393

Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Dangerously soft at 64% Booker's Small Batch Bourbon

Waxed bottle. Served neat. Appearance: Very deep reddish amber, one of the darker whiskies I've seen. Thin, delicate tears fall in 360 degree circumference on the glass.Nose: Spicy, candied orange peel…

@GT2By @GT213 years ago 0 090

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  • What is the best Booker's whiskey?
  • What is the average rating for Booker's?
  • What is the mash bill for Booker's?
  • Where can I buy Booker's whiskey?
  • Is Booker's wheated?
  • Is Booker's classed as whiskey or a whisky?
  • Is Booker's on the bourbon trail?