Bruichladdich's average rating is 85/100 from 295 reviews and 830 ratings
Bruichladdich reviews
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As the countdown continues before I can no longer post to Connosr, I have been getting to a number of reviews I’ve meant to do for a very long time. On April 14 I prepared tasting notes for 5 Bruichl…
By @Nozinan11 months ago 2 090
As I run out of time before I can no longer post to Connosr, I have been getting to a number of reviews I’ve meant to do for a very long time. On April 14 I prepared tasting notes for 5 Bruichladdich…
By @Nozinan11 months ago 2 085
The decision to mothball Connosr has spurred me to try to get in a few more long-planned reviews while I still can. On April 14 I recorded tasting notes for 5 Bruichladdichs that I’ve had on hand for…
By @Nozinan11 months ago 2 088
Last week it was announced that near the end of the month, Connosr will cease to exist as an interactive site. The site will be available as “read-only” going forward. As someone who has enjoyed reading…
By @Nozinan11 months ago 4 087
As you know, this week it was announced that near the end of the month, Connosr will cease to exist as an interactive site. This was a shock to some of us who “grew up” in our whisky journey with this…
By @Nozinan11 months ago 3 090
My first taste of Octomore was back in December 2012 when I discovered the 4.1 in Calgary. I told the salesman that I had read about this in Toronto but had never seen it. He offered me a sample and it…
By @Nozinan about one year ago 7 689
Belgian bottler Klubb23 selected this cask of Bruichladdich for the Dram Brothers Whisky Society Grand Duchy of Luxembourg... that's a mouthful, right? It contains a young Laddie that matured in a…
By @markjedi12 years ago 0 087
I was recently a guest at the whisky festival in Toulouse and ran into my French companion Xavier who pressed this sample into my hand. It contains a 28-year-old Laddie that was bottled by the Scotch…
By @markjedi12 years ago 0 089
This review is from a bottle I've had open for around 2 years now. I couldn't tell you how much is left in the bottle because they're a sodding jet black colour that no light will penetrate! From the…
WBy @Wierdo3 years ago 5 090
This review is from a sample kindly provided by @Timp. I also have a bottle of a different Octomore release open so I'll be doing a comparison between the two.Nose (neat)Pretty much exactly as you'd…
WBy @Wierdo3 years ago 7 190
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