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Canadian Whisky reviews

(page 9 of 60)
J.P Wiser's Hopped

More beer than whisky here J.P Wiser's Hopped

Whisky has so many ties with brewing,- being, basically, distilled beer – that it’s really surprising that it’s taken so long for a major whisky producer to develop a hopped whisky. A number of small…

@JasonHambreyBy @JasonHambrey9 years ago 0 884

J.P Wiser's Hopped

Hop On Out Of Here J.P Wiser's Hopped

Since whisky is distilled from a "beer"(properly known as wort), doesn't it make sense to try to make a beer-like whisky? Of course, the "beer" that is in the washback at the distillery is not usually…

@talexanderBy @talexander9 years ago 0 459

Lot No. 40

Excellent, unique rye... Lot No. 40

Well, Canada Day may have come and gone, but I think now’s as good a time as ever to post what I can honestly call my favourite Canadian whisky to date. Here we have Corby’s Lot No. 40. Produced at Hiram…

@hunggarBy @hunggar9 years ago 0 088

Most reviewed Canadian whisky brands