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Crown Royal Reserve

An Exceptional Batch, ONLY

0 994

@VictorReview by @Victor

26th Mar 2012


Crown Royal Reserve
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Crown Royal Reserve is also known and labeled in some places as Crown Royal Special Reserve. Jim Murray named it Canadian Whisky of the Year in his 2012 Whisky Bible, giving it 96 pts. That listing, plus a local sale led me to buy a bottle in about November 2011.

Body: medium, to slightly light mouth-feel.

Nose: rich, penetrating, very fragrant and very spicy, especially for a 40 % ABV whisky. Delicious flavours of both rye grain and wines. An excellent nose.

Taste: the excellent nose flavours translate into excellent palatal delivery. Big spicy rye flavours combine with rich wine flavours. It all works, and amazingly so, with very big flavours for a 40% ABV bottle. Actually these are perhaps the biggest flavours I have ever encountered from a 40% ABV whisky. It is only the second whisky that I have liked that combined strong rye (or wheat) flavours with strong wine flavours, the other being the Parkers Heritage Collection Wheated 10 yo with Cognac finish. Judging strictly from this bottle, I fully understand why Jim Murray named this Canadian Whisky of 2012, though I still prefer Wiser's Legacy.

Finish: stays the course long and flavourful.

Balance: The balance of the parts is there. It works. The sweet-dry balance is great. The wine flavours work with the enormously spicy rye bits.

Now, for the rest of the story:

This is one exceptional bottle of blended Canadian whisky. Unfortunately, neither I, nor Connosr member friends of mine in Ontario, Virginia, or Austria, know how or where to buy a bottle of Crown Royal Reserve that will taste like this one does. I sampled from friends' bottles purchased very recently in Ontario and Virginia that tasted quite flat by comparison to this particular bottle. I would rate those two no higher than 83 pts, and maybe as low as 80 pts. There are no batch markings on the Crown Royal Reserve bottle labels, so even though I wouild love to have additional bottles of whisky tasting like this reviewed bottle, I have no confidence that I could find any without getting a lot of flat-tasting bottles by mistake first.

Whisky reviews are usually and most appropriately based on the samples at hand. Usually only one review is given of samples from one bottle. Not enough awareness exists in the minds of many whisky lovers of the very large batch differences which occur in many whiskies. Mr. Jim Murray is very good at pointing out brand batch variations year to year in his Whisky Bibles, and I applaud him for that.

Apparently both Mr. Murray and I received samples from an exceptionally vibrant and delicious batch of Crown Royal (Special) Reserve within the past year. It is a pity that I would not know how to locate more of that same whisky again.

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maltster commented

@victor, your CRR sounds terrific but as you mentioned in your review there are other batches out there which have very little in common with the one you have the pleasure to own. I bought my CRR in Austria last week and it is not open long enough to give a substantial valuation but my batch is considerably inferior to yours - it is weakish and flat and at the moment I would rate it in the low 80's. If different batches would have bottlecodes like most of the distilleries are already have the Whiskieonados could look out for the better batches.

12 years ago 0

Victor commented

@maltster, yes, I was referencing you and your bottle in Austria in the review. I feel that I have already sampled your bottle, both in Toronto and in the DC area. My reviewed bottle was excellent from the git-go and there has been little shift over time in its flavours over about five months.

It is very much my purpose in doing this review to attempt to call attention to the huge variations possible from batch to batch in many whiskies, and to warn whisky drinkers that the whisky that they thought that they knew from their first taste of it might be a very different whisky the next time around. Having one, two, or ten tastes of any whisky doesn't nail the future of its flavours to the same profile that we have known and experienced.

12 years ago 0

talexander commented

Excellent and enlightening review - I am quite jealous that your bottle was so much better than mine! Having said that, I do plan on occasionally buying the odd bottle and testing it out to see if any are as good as yours.

12 years ago 0

Victor commented

@talexander, in this case I got a very good bottle. In some other cases I have gotten the duds. As they say, in this life, sometimes you are the dog, and other times you are the fire hydrant.

12 years ago 0

JeffC commented

I think the aforementioned bottle from Virginia (my bottle) is the fire hydrant version.

12 years ago 0

GotOak91 commented

A little late to the party but I hope my CCR I recently bought is as good as yours was

12 years ago 0

paddockjudge commented

@ Victor - I've opened a recently purchased bottle from the local LCBO and this bottle has markings. Using an LED flashlight brings the markings out nicely. Under the right shoulder, above the front label at two o'clock is: L2 299 N4 12:35. I've had a bottle of the "American" version, Special Reserve, and it was outstanding - gifted to me in 2010, year of bottling unknown.

12 years ago 0

Victor commented

@paddockjudge, too bad! I don't have my CRR bottle anymore to look again for markings. I couldn't find any markings before. I would love to identify the batch to see whether I could find more from the batch from which this reviewed bottle originated. It was a great bottle, and I'll just bet that that bottle is from the same juice Mr. Murray was naming 2012 Canadian Whisky of the year. Who knows for sure whether the stock in my local stores still has some of that batch? My buddy @JeffC bought some Crown Royal Reserve in Virginia just across the river from me that was not remotely in the same league as was this reviewed bottle. I know. I tasted it.

12 years ago 0

paddockjudge commented

@Victor - WOW,just popped the cork on Drew Mayville's (20 year man at Seagram's/Crown Royal) latest single barrel expression of Sazerac Caribou Crossing Canadian Whisky.

I am convinced that this recent release is not from the same batch, nor the same distillery, as the previous offering from late autumn of 2011 - that expression had a heavy rye nose and palate and was likely from Walkerville or Alberta. This one is slightly less fragrant and is somewhat mellow with the influence of aged corn whisky. I'm tasting this H2H with CR Reserve and I'm drinking the same whisky from two different glasses.

Me thinks that Mr. Mayville has sourced some well balanced barrels of "Crown Royal Reserve". I will set aside a sample of each for future tastings.

Victor, I believe you may find the world class sample of CR Reserve in a bottle of Caribou Crossing.

11 years ago 0