The reviewed bottle was of the US release 1.75 L size, had been for open 2 days four months ago, was down to 0.5 L, and had been decanted to a smaller bottle for those four months prior to re-tasting. This review will be a balance of original and current flavours
Nose: vanilla, citrus-cum-apple-smelling Aberfeldy malt, light wine around the edges, a little wood spice, and just a modest hint of edgy wheat "grain" whisky. This nose is much stronger now than when the bottle was just opened, but the quality and balance of the flavours is only fair. The nose of the newly opened bottle was very light and understated
Taste: the translation of flavours to the mouth is pretty complete in the 4 months opened bottle. Four months after bottle opening the citrus and apple flavours from the Aberfeldy malt are much stronger and more opened up than they were at first, but at this point both the lemon citrus and apple flavours taste more of spoiled fruit. In the beginning the flavours were quite muted and understated. All things considered I prefer the flavours of Dewar's White Label in their muted 'un-opened' state to what the bottle tastes now
Finish: at first, pretty muted, showing mostly bundled citrusy malt flavours; at four months the finish shows a lot of sour rotten lemons, with a hint of wine in the background. My advice: drink Dewar's White Label fresh
Balance: I was pretty surprised at just how badly this particular bottle deteriourated in just 4 months, and even with an early low-air decanting. If I were grading the 'just opened' and 'four months later' samples, I would have given them 76 and 66 respectively. I've never bought a full bottle of Dewars White Label for myself, but I can enjoy this whisky in its recent incarnations as 'Light Fare' blended Scotch. Most of my experiences with Dewar's White Label have been better, but only a little better, than what is relayed in this review
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