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Johnnie Walker's average rating is 80/100 from 190 reviews and 650 ratings

Johnnie Walker reviews

(page 3 of 19)
Johnnie Walker Swing

Johnnie Walker Swing Johnnie Walker Swing

This is an old tasting in two different ways: first, it took place in 2016 (Sep. 1, to be extra precise) and the bottle being opened was from the 1960s, so take that into account if your tasting is not…

@huinemanBy @huineman4 years ago 4 278

Johnnie Walker Odyssey

Odyssey Johnnie Walker Odyssey

In 2013 the luxury yacht from Johnnie Walker – the Voyager – sailed around the world to promote this Odyssey. This release was composed by Master Blender Jim Beveridge with just 3 malts in an attempt to…

@markjedi1By @markjedi14 years ago 0 088

Johnnie Walker Gold Label 18 Year Old

Guimauve Johnnie Walker Gold Label 18 Year Old

Ah, an older edition of the Johnnie Walker Gold Label, which means this is a version that contains a ridiculous amount of Clynelish. My buddy Arno was looking for one of these, so I got it at an auction…

@markjedi1By @markjedi14 years ago 3 586

Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Year Old

Monster Nose Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Year Old

Nose: Pretty glorious at the price a wee bit of an experience all on its own! What I like about it is it combines the wet outdoors with the fireplace type nose. So a little earthy but also probably…

@McGrainBy @McGrain5 years ago 5 088

Johnnie Walker Blue Label

The Justin Trudeau of blends Johnnie Walker Blue Label

I first tasted Johnnie Walker Blue in a bar at a birthday party. Someone had bought a bottle of this, a bottle of vodka, and soda to celebrate. This was about 7-8 years ago and I had it neat with a few…

@NozinanBy @Nozinan5 years ago 6 885

Most reviewed Johnnie Walker whiskies

Our Johnnie Walker reviews page may help with these questions

  • Where can I read Johnnie Walker reviews online?
  • What is the best Johnnie Walker whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Johnnie Walker?
  • Is Johnnie Walker peaty? Is Johnnie Walker smoky?
  • Where is Johnnie Walker whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Johnnie Walker whiskey?
  • What Scotch region is Johnnie Walker from?
  • Is Johnnie Walker classed as whisky or a whiskey?