Knob Creek Rye
Spicy, oaky goodness
3 1383
Review by @casualtorture
- Nose18
- Taste22
- Finish23
- Balance20
- Overall83
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- Brand: Knob Creek
- Type: American
- ABV: 50%
So I'm sitting at O'Hare for 2 hours waiting to fly to Beijing for my wedding. This seemed like the most appealing thing to get tipsy on before a 14hr flight over the Pacific...
Sample is neat
Nose: A bit harder to distinguish smells when not using a glencairn. But I do pick up the rye grain. Reminds me of the rye toast my grandmother used to make. Some sweet caramel as well and some sugar coated pecans. Pecan pie.
Palate: Nice, loads of rye grain, accompanied by bready, nutty notes. Pecans, peanuts, cashews. Buttery rye toast. Also, it reminds me of some flavours I would get in a darker, malty beer. Lots of nutty, bready, malty flavours. More rich than spicy. Lots of oak. I can definitely taste the wood.
Finish: This is where things turn from malty and nutty to spicy. Rye spice lingers on the tongue for a nice long while. Good flavour transition.
Overall: I enjoy this one more than the standard Knob. Bigger flavours and a nice transition from rich and malty to rye spice. Glad I chose this one over the standard.
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@casualtorture, happy marriage and happy married life!
I see that your score suffers, probably 2 to 5 points, because you were drinking from an inappropriate glass. That is not fair to the whiskey.
This IS "standard Knob Creek"...Rye. The other is "standard Knob Creek" Bourbon.