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Knob Creek Rye

Spicy, oaky goodness

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@casualtortureReview by @casualtorture

27th Nov 2017


Knob Creek Rye
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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So I'm sitting at O'Hare for 2 hours waiting to fly to Beijing for my wedding. This seemed like the most appealing thing to get tipsy on before a 14hr flight over the Pacific...

Sample is neat

Nose: A bit harder to distinguish smells when not using a glencairn. But I do pick up the rye grain. Reminds me of the rye toast my grandmother used to make. Some sweet caramel as well and some sugar coated pecans. Pecan pie.

Palate: Nice, loads of rye grain, accompanied by bready, nutty notes. Pecans, peanuts, cashews. Buttery rye toast. Also, it reminds me of some flavours I would get in a darker, malty beer. Lots of nutty, bready, malty flavours. More rich than spicy. Lots of oak. I can definitely taste the wood.

Finish: This is where things turn from malty and nutty to spicy. Rye spice lingers on the tongue for a nice long while. Good flavour transition.

Overall: I enjoy this one more than the standard Knob. Bigger flavours and a nice transition from rich and malty to rye spice. Glad I chose this one over the standard.

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Victor commented

@casualtorture, happy marriage and happy married life!

I see that your score suffers, probably 2 to 5 points, because you were drinking from an inappropriate glass. That is not fair to the whiskey.

This IS "standard Knob Creek"...Rye. The other is "standard Knob Creek" Bourbon.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

casualtorture commented

@Victor yes yes my bad. I just call the "bourbon" the standard because it's so much more common than the rye where I live. But this one I scored higher than the bourbon even in the wrong glass. As a side note, we are expecting our fist child due in June. Hopefully this won't reduce my whisk(e)y budget too much.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Victor commented

Yes, your whiskey budget will hopefully not suffer,...and your whiskey drinking should not damage the baby...

Like you, I have had some "meh" experiences with standard Knob Creek Bourbon. I have also had some great samples of standard Knob Creek Bourbon. I consider that one to be inconsistent and untrustworthy. Some are crazy about it.

I have not had any but very good experiences from the Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve Bourbon.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

NamBeist commented

@casualtorture Congratulations with your marriage and your child.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

Looks like there are happy times coming all around! I hope you are able to enjoy some duck in Beijing, where it is simply duck (while all over the world it is referred to as Beijing duck).

And enjoy your dramming while you can....after June you will be too exhausted to turn on your laptop...let alone read a review or open a bottle. smiley

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

RianC commented

@casualtorture - wishing you all the best with the wedding and new addition to the world! relaxed

My whisky consumption increased during the pregnancy (due to a lack of wine being opened) . . . so every cloud! ;)

Never tried Knob Creek 'standard'. Worth a look?

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

OdysseusUnbound commented

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials and child. I have to say I’ve been lucky with Knob Creek; I’ve really enjoyed all of their offerings....so far. The “small batch 9 Year Old” bourbon (when it still carried an age statement) did not last long at my place. I really enjoyed that one. I may check out this rye. Thanks for the review.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

casualtorture commented

Thanks for the wishes fellas. Wish I could invite you all to the wedding. As for the review, I would say yes this rye is worth a second look. As for the KC bourbon I had, not so much. But like Victor said I'm sure there are batches that are better than others.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Victor commented

About Knob Creek Rye, something I've said several times over the last several years: Jim Beam Rye, which used to be the Yellow Label, went way downhill just before Knob Creek Rye came out. I conclude that the better barrels of Beam Rye were being saved for Knob Creek Rye. 10 years ago, in 2007, Jim Beam Yellow Label Rye, 40% ABV, was a tasty albeit dilute whiskey. It has not seemed a worthy sipper for the last 6 years. As for the more recent, about 3 years running, Jim Beam Pre-Prohibition Style Rye 45% ABV, that one has me scratching my head, because it somehow emphasizes the spice while almost completely losing the fruit. I would always much rather drink the Knob Creek Rye than either Beam Yellow Label Rye or Beam Green Label Rye. As for Beam's (ri)1, that one was like drinking water 10 years ago, but has had at least one wonderful batch since that time, around 2012. I wouldn't trust it to buy a bottle without a prior sample from that specific batch. In summary, unless someone is giving you a bottle of the 13 yo Booker's Rye ($ 300 list, now much more valuable), among the Jim Beam Ryes you will get a more predictably good result by sticking with the Knob Creek Rye.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

cricklewood commented

Congratulations on the nuptials and the expansion of your family, that's many happy events to celebrate. Your whisky budget won't suffer as much as your sleep will, I don't mean that as a harbinger of doom, more just a reminder to be kind to your body beforehand.

Nice review, I haven't yet tried the rye yet, much like @OdysseusUnbound I have always enjoyed Knob Creek despite the batch variances and could go through a bottle with friends quite easily. I have always been jealous of all those single barrel store exclusives which seem to be fairly priced.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

Robert99 commented

@casualtorture I am always surprised to realize to what extend a guy will go to get an excuse to have another drink... Just kidding. I wish you a day that you will remember all your life with joy and love as you will, one day, remember that day of June when you will become a father. These are two milestones to celebrate.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

paddockjudge commented

@casualtorture, congratulations are in order.

Buckle-up brother, you won't know what hit you!

Your whisky budget won't immediately be effected, and you may not notice any difference in your disposable income because the incremental increases in child costs are gradual... and then wham!!! college, wedding, grandchildren. Don't blink.

You might consider salting away a few of your favourite labels for the future, for those special occasions that will inevitably occur... and the more bottles you have tucked away the easier it will be to declare a special occasion :-)

A toast to you and your new family with a generous pour of one of my favourites, Legacy.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

Nozinan commented


sage advice...from the person voted Best dad in the world!

7 years ago 1Who liked this?