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Longrow's average rating is 87/100 from 69 reviews and 177 ratings

Longrow reviews

(page 4 of 7)
Longrow Peated

Project Longrow Longrow Peated

Longrow peated is produced at the Springbank distillery in Cambletown. It is non chill filtered, non age statement as seems to be the current trend. Thankfully no caramel is added and this is obvious as…

@tjbBy @tjb10 years ago 0 084

Longrow NAS

The Sea Longrow NAS

This NAS version is the successor of the Longrow CV, a Campbeltown'er from Springbank. Not much to tell, nice and simple packaging, very pale colour.Nose: the name Longrow Peated could suggest that we…

@PandemoniumBy @Pandemonium11 years ago 0 185

Longrow 1997 14 Year Old Burgundy Wood

Warm Krieks Longrow 1997 14 Year Old Burgundy Wood

This Longrow first matured for 10 years on refill bourbon casks and then got a finish (or is that a second maturation?) on Fresh Burgundy Casks for 3 years.It is immediately sweet on the nose. Raisins…

@markjedi1By @markjedi111 years ago 0 083

Longrow 11 Year Old 2001 Rundlets & Kilderkins

ferns Longrow 11 Year Old 2001 Rundlets & Kilderkins

Rundlets are 60 liter casks, while Kilderkins can hold 80 liters, which speeds up the maturation considerable, of course, since there is a lot more interaction between the spirit and the wood. These cask…

@markjedi1By @markjedi111 years ago 0 087

Longrow CV

Nice peat from Cambeltown Longrow CV

When I was in Chicago a while back I picked up the Springbank Trio of CV’s. Basically, this was three bottles of 200mL each of Springbank CV, Longrow CV, and Hazleburn CV. Here is my impression of the…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 687

Longrow Red

The Forgotten Red? Longrow Red

As you may know, there are three brands distilled at Springbank: Hazelburn, Springbank and Longrow. Longrow is the peatier version - in fact, all of the barley that goes into Longrow is peat dried (and…

@talexanderBy @talexander11 years ago 0 473

Longrow CV

Longrow Frontrow Longrow CV

First distilled in 1973, Longrow is a double distilled, heavily peated single malt and its my first Campbelltown Scotch!The barley used in the production of Longrow is entirely peat dried. The full…

@PeatyZealotBy @PeatyZealot11 years ago 0 092

Most reviewed Longrow whiskies

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  • Where can I read Longrow reviews online?
  • What is the best Longrow whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Longrow?
  • Is Longrow peaty? Is Longrow smoky?
  • Where is Longrow whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Longrow whiskey?
  • What Scotch region is Longrow from?
  • Is Longrow classed as whisky or a whiskey?