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Longrow's average rating is 87/100 from 69 reviews and 177 ratings

Longrow reviews

(page 5 of 7)
Longrow 1994 10 year old

NEAT vs. Glencairn: Round 1 Longrow 1994 10 year old

I like Springbank, but I love Longrow. Maybe it's because they only distill it a normal 2 times, while the Springbank expressions get a 2.5 times, cause I don't want my whiskies to be too smooth.What got…

@NilsGBy @NilsG11 years ago 0 290

Longrow Peated

Ashes To Ashes in time gilding way Longrow Peated

Apparently this is the Longrow CV in new packaging. I had no expectations, I even might have taken it with an elitist attitude. Thinking that this might not work because it's not from Islay. I'm glad…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti12 years ago 0 485

Longrow CV

Reptilian Charm Longrow CV

Tasted a glass of the CV tonight at the pub. It is perhaps a flawed dram in terms of the way all of the elements comingle in the glass, but I was charmed by it. The smoke is quite nice and I was surpr…

RBy @Rigmorole12 years ago 1 286

Longrow 18 Year Old

A "Long" Conversation Longrow 18 Year Old

It's difficult to tell, but judging from the very faint date stamp on the label, this looks to be from a 2012 batch. Initial research led me to believe that there hadn't been a 2012 bottling, but a bit…

@DevoBy @Devo12 years ago 0 091

Longrow 10 yo Shiraz Cask - CS

Super Longrow! Longrow 10 yo Shiraz Cask - CS

it all started with a wee sample swap with fellow whisky lover and blogger David Carson of ‘glenuntitled’. i fancies this one immediately, as a big Longrow / SB fan, and quite keen on the wine finishes…

@galgBy @galg12 years ago 0 089

Longrow CV

Sweet and peaty Longrow CV

Springbank distillery is located on the southern Kintyre peninsula and produces three distinct types of single malt: Springbank, Longrow and Hazelburn. Springbank is lightly smoky, Longrow is very smoky…

@Pierre_WBy @Pierre_W12 years ago 0 385

Longrow 1997 14 Year Old Burgundy Wood

Burgundian Beauty Longrow 1997 14 Year Old Burgundy Wood

This is a cask strength edition of the Longrow 14 year old which has also spend its last 3 years in burgundy red wine casks.this wine maturation has worked beautifully, long enough to change the profile…

@VolksBy @Volks12 years ago 0 083

Most reviewed Longrow whiskies

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  • Where can I read Longrow reviews online?
  • What is the best Longrow whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Longrow?
  • Is Longrow peaty? Is Longrow smoky?
  • Where is Longrow whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Longrow whiskey?
  • What Scotch region is Longrow from?
  • Is Longrow classed as whisky or a whiskey?