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Old Grand Dad 114

Grandad hasn't retired yet

2 1082

@casualtortureReview by @casualtorture

9th Aug 2017


Old Grand Dad 114
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Old Grandad 114

Word on the street was that good ol' JB was considering discontinuing this popular and affordable high proof bourbon. Thankfully that didn't come to fruition. I picked this bottle up in Nashville for $24.99 + tax.

Bottle is 3/4 full and been opened about 2 weeks. Drinking neat first then adding a cap full of distilled water and comparing.

Nose Neat: Plenty of grain here. Rye first then corn. It's like if you took half a slice of rye bread and half a slice of southern corn bread, crushed it up with some spices and then snorted them together. After that a little chocolate/caramel/peanut butter sweetness comes to the party.

Palate neat: Nice and spicy on the back of the tongue (I'm assuming it's from the high rye content), but other than the spice, I get some pretty standard bourbon caramel sweetness. Rye spice pretty much steals the show here. Perhaps some water would settle it down and open it up a bit? Lets see...

Finish Neat: The finish is very long and some new buddies come to play. Specifically nuts! The finish is super nutty. Pecans, walnut and peanut, all seasoned with that rye spice. Really sticks in the mouth and is the most enjoyable part of this dram.

Nose w/water: A bit less rye and a bit more corn and sweetness. Spice is still there, but the added sweetness

Palate w/water: A bit less spice (but still plenty) and otherwise unchanged from neat.

Finish w/water: Again, less spice and more sweetness. The mellowed levels of spice make the nutty flavors slightly more discernible. Finish is still the star of the show.

Overall: This is a big, spicy bourbon with a lovely finish. As far as neat/with water, I guess it depends on your preference. I imagine people new to high proof bourbon or people who enjoy the lighter sherried scotch might be a little averse to the punch in the face from the high abv and spice. But, if you like that kind of thing then keep this neat. I feel like this has a good spot in the market. Not many decent high proof bourbons available for less than $30 that I'm aware of. And I guess the guys at Beam Suntory agreed with me as they decided to keep this one around a bit longer. Keep on kickin' OGD!

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Nozinan commented

How long did you leave it in the glass before taking your nosing and tasting notes?

I often get distracted/ interrupted if the kids are still awake. I once came back to this after 30 minutes and it had opened up beautifully.

I've never had a single malt at this price (I paid $20 US plus $5 shipping). And the only ones I liked at double this price were Amrut Fusion and Benromach 10 YO.

I don't drink cheap stuff because it's good "for the price". I only drink it if it's good. This certainly is....and it's cheap!

The OGD BiB is also an excellent bourbon.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

casualtorture commented

@Nozinan It sat in the glass about 10min for sniffing. I'll try your suggestion of 30 next time (maybe tonight haha) but yes this is good stuff, not just because it is $25. It's good.

7 years ago 0

Victor commented

@casualtorture, let me know when you find any other whisky of any type from anywhere in the world at 57+% ABV for under $ 30. I've never seen one, and I do not expect that I ever will see one.

Glad you discovered OGD114. OGD114 was my first Connosr review. People needed to know about it. Hopefully it will still be around for a long while at a similar price point. It would be easy for Beam Suntory to abolish it and sell instead a small batch collection barrel strength OGD at a higher price...basically Booker's with a different higher rye content mashbill.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@Victor And if they did, chances are we would buy it if we could get our hands on it...

7 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Nozinan, sure I'd buy an Old Grand-Dad Barrel Proof if they offered it, if they didn't jack around with the prices too much. They might well name it "Basil Hayden Barrel Proof" since Basil Hayden was the Old Grand Dad on the label. I'd also like to see what OGD BP would taste like after 10 or 12 years of maturation. I do think that Beam is jealous of its own name on its popular products, and for whatever reason is somewhat reluctant to have any OGD product become a star. The OGD product line makes money for them with virtually no advertising. They spend their advertising dollars mostly on products named Beam.

The next best deal I've recently seen in high proof bourbon is Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve (60% ABV) still being sold around here on sale for $ 35.96 tax inclu. I do not expect prices like that to last on KCSBR, so I've already stored several away.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@Victor didn't that KCSBR used to have a 9 year age statement? I have a couple of those... Still haven't finished my first...it's been years, but occasionally I want a dram...might even tonight...

7 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Nozinan, the 9 year age statement has not yet been removed from Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve. That is another reason to like it, of course, and to buy it in the current time frame. I expect that the age statement will be removed in the next couple of years, for the same reasons it was removed from the standard Knob Creek Bourbon @50% ABV %. I think that the current KCSBR label is quite ugly. The bottle with which they started the brand had been nice-looking. But the liquid in the bottle is more important than the appearance of the label.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

BlueNote commented

@casualtorture "I guess the guys at Beam Suntory agreed with me..." I think maybe you agreed with them :-)

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

casualtorture commented

@Victor KCSBR is upper $40 range here I think the ABC store had it at $45.99. I have yet to try it.

7 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@casualtorture I Iike OGD114 better...

7 years ago 1Who liked this?