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Recommendations for a Newbie

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By J @James28291 on 6th Aug 2015, show post

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Pete1969 replied

@Victor it is certainly full of flavour I have tried a dram from a freshly opened bottle and have to admit it was a bit closed without water. Following your advice through numerous reviews it is now in a dark cupboard with my plan being not to touch it again until Xmas. I have several open bottles at moment and the rare breed was smelling luscious this evening when I checked but early start in morning so will put on hold for next week. Bookers just arrived this afternoon and will be banked for a rainy day if I can resist the temptation after the many glowing reviews.

9 years ago 0

Victor replied

@Pete1969, certainly some of the high proof whiskies are helped by the addition of water. I do know a few of them which I much prefer with the addition of a little water.

You have quite a few very good bourbons there.

9 years ago 0