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Redbreast's average rating is 87/100 from 66 reviews and 210 ratings

Redbreast reviews

(page 5 of 7)
Redbreast 12 Year Old

The Commitments show in the taste Redbreast 12 Year Old

When thinking of Irish movies and Readbrest 12, The Commitments comes to my mind. Redbreast 12 years old is a product that has to be done with so much commitment, that it shows in the taste as well. I…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti12 years ago 0 388

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Meh Redbreast 12 Year Old

From sample-Nose: Resinous sherry residue and lots of vanilla. Coconut and an almost grain-like sweetness. The fruit's there, but not over the top. Baked pears and apples, in cardamom infused whipped…

nBy @numen12 years ago 0 078

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Desert! Redbreast 12 Year Old

Following my fantastic 43 year old vintage, the owner of the pub got up and came back about five minutes later with two more drams for me. I was shocked. This was just way too much fun! He didn't tell…

@UisgeJonBy @UisgeJon12 years ago 0 481

Redbreast 12 Year Old

great Irish whiskey Redbreast 12 Year Old

I am somewhat new to whiskey and this will be my first review. I bought this bottle based on many of the reviews on this and other sites, and was not disappointed. I returned to the bottle over a few…

mBy @mywhisky12 years ago 0 088

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Red Breast 12 baby! Redbreast 12 Year Old

What can I say that hasn't already been said about this tasty whiskey. Sweet, brown sugar, honey goodness all rapped up together in this creamy, fruity delight! Only wish the happy ending lasted a little…

@MaltySDBy @MaltySD12 years ago 0 085

Redbreast 12 Year Old

True strength lies in gentleness Redbreast 12 Year Old

Nearly two years into my single-malt journey, and you'd think I'd have ventured into the homeland of my mother (the Kelly side of the family) by now. Outside of the occasional taste of a Bushmills or…

@WhiskyBeeBy @WhiskyBee12 years ago 0 192

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Cheshire Cat Redbreast 12 Year Old

The reviewed bottle has been open for two years and is 1/2 full. Nose: lots of vanilla, light citrus from tart barley, high pitched wood flavours, sweet but understated in its sweetnessTaste: all of the…

@VictorBy @Victor12 years ago 0 089

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Great Everyday Irish Whiskey Redbreast 12 Year Old

I love this Irish Whiskey. it is a great everyday/everynight Irish Whiskey to drink. I get in locally for around $50.00 USD. It is very pleasant, smooth and has a great amber color. I recommend that…

cBy @chadwb12 years ago 0 090

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Best Irish out there. period. Redbreast 12 Year Old

Nose: Sweet and spicy Very rich thick vanilla, golden syrup. Some rye notes too and Tangerines. A really different and interesting nose on this one. Full of character, and a great specimen this is.…

@galgBy @galg12 years ago 0 089

Most reviewed Redbreast whiskies

Our Redbreast reviews page may help with these questions

  • Where can I read Redbreast reviews online?
  • What is the best Redbreast whiskey?
  • What is the average rating for Redbreast?
  • Is Redbreast a single malt?
  • Where can I buy Redbreast whiskey?
  • Is Redbreast whiskey or Scotch?
  • Where in Ireland is Redbreast made?
  • What does Redbreast taste like?