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Scapa's average rating is 82/100 from 26 reviews and 98 ratings

Scapa reviews

(page 1 of 3)
Scapa 16 Year Old

Sunday Scapa Scapa 16 Year Old

So it's 11:30am on Christmas Eve - miraculously, most of the presents are wrapped. Pam just finished a huge baking session and is napping. So I'm taking a minute to check this now-discontinued bottling…

@talexanderBy @talexander7 years ago 2 082

Scapa 26 Year Old 1977 L'Ecailler du Palais Royal

Zesty Scapa 26 Year Old 1977 L'Ecailler du Palais Royal

This Scapa is wrapped in mystery. I mean, I cannot find much about it. Apparently 213 bottles this 26 Year Old Scapa from 1977 were bottled by Ian McLeod’s for the Brussels restaurant L’Ecallier du…

@markjedi1By @markjedi18 years ago 0 088

Scapa Skiren

Greenwood Scapa Skiren

The Skiren from Scapa is their NAS offering that should make you forget about the 16 Year Old. The Skiren were an East Germanian tribe that originally lived in today’s Poland. Around 230 BC they moved…

@markjedi1By @markjedi18 years ago 2 082

Scapa 16 Year Old

Malty gentleman in need of a boost Scapa 16 Year Old

Scapa distillery is located at the head of Scapa bay, south-west of Kirkwall on the main island of the Orkney isles, and was established as a private company in 1885. Production was stopped between 1934…

@Pierre_WBy @Pierre_W8 years ago 0 784

Scapa 16 Year Old

Maritime Malty Malt Scapa 16 Year Old

My thanks to @newreverie for the reviewed sampleNose: sweet, with gentle malt, pleasant used wood aromas, very mild peat, and well-integrated brine. The malt smells nicely of a hybrid of cereal and grass…

@VictorBy @Victor8 years ago 0 286

Scapa 1983 Vintage G&M

Ramshackled Longboat Scapa 1983 Vintage G&M

In the last few months Scapa finally emerged from the shadows as a single malt distillery: new bottlings (even a peated !?! release), a visitors centre and unfortunately they too are ditching that ‘cu…

@PandemoniumBy @Pandemonium8 years ago 0 076

Scapa G.M 2000 Single Cask

Just a pleasant coastline Scapa G.M 2000 Single Cask

The Scapa single malt is one of legend for a young whisky fan like myself, and i know, legend is already an overused word in the world of single malt whisky "PR&Marketing". However the word seems suit…

LBy @Lifewaterforce9 years ago 0 085

Scapa 16 Year Old

Endearing... Scapa 16 Year Old

This scotch may always be overlooked and under-appreciated. I am not sure if it's rare or not, but it seems to be under-reviewed too... If you see the bottle on the shelf, don't pass it up. This scotch…

@BARutledgeBy @BARutledge10 years ago 0 092

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  • Where can I read Scapa reviews online?
  • What is the best Scapa whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Scapa?
  • Is Scapa peaty? Is Scapa smoky?
  • Where is Scapa whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Scapa whiskey?
  • What Scotch region is Scapa from?
  • Is Scapa classed as whisky or a whiskey?