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Wild Turkey's average rating is 83/100 from 64 reviews and 189 ratings

Wild Turkey reviews

(page 1 of 7)
Wild Turkey 101

A Good Batch Wild Turkey 101

I've had a few bottles of WT 101 the last few years and normally wouldn't sit and write a review of them since I have one up already and I'm sure most people are familiar with WT 101 (at least in N…

@casualtortureBy @casualtorture5 years ago 2 189

Wild Turkey 101

The Seven Faced Bird Wild Turkey 101

After having had a few really good bourbons last year I vowed to try and purchase more of them this year. While I have been eyeing some of the more premium selections, enough members here waxed on about…

@cricklewoodBy @cricklewood6 years ago 4 084

Wild Turkey Rare Breed / Barrel Proof

Simple but significant Wild Turkey Rare Breed / Barrel Proof

This is an abridged version of a review I will be posting on my blog in a day or twoBourbon marketing leans heavily on appeals to tradition, authenticity and doing things "the right way". In an interview…

@OdysseusUnboundBy @OdysseusUnbound6 years ago 4 291

Wild Turkey 101

Rough stuff Wild Turkey 101

Nose: smoky! Wood char, tobacco, even a hint of fireplace. Not a lot of sweetness here, mostly oak and alcohol. Some fruity notes in there too, peaches or something similar. Water brings out some swee…

@MegawattBy @Megawatt6 years ago 3 477

Wild Turkey 101

Boombon Wild Turkey 101

This was possibly the first bourbon I had that really sold me to it as a quality product worth investigating further - and I've barely scratched the surface to be fair. From what I gather this is a…

@RianCBy @RianC7 years ago 5 187

Wild Turkey 101

Talkin’ Turkey Wild Turkey 101

This is a preview of a blog entry I’m hoping to post tomorrowI always thought Wild Turkey was the drink of choice for those who were the real life incarnation of the slack-jawed yokel Cletus from The…

@OdysseusUnboundBy @OdysseusUnbound7 years ago 3 3285

Most reviewed Wild Turkey whiskies

Our Wild Turkey reviews page may help with these questions

  • Where can I read Wild Turkey reviews online?
  • What is the best Wild Turkey whiskey?
  • What is the average rating for Wild Turkey?
  • What is the mash bill for Wild Turkey?
  • Where can I buy Wild Turkey whiskey?
  • Is Wild Turkey wheated?
  • Is Wild Turkey classed as whiskey or a whisky?
  • Is Wild Turkey on the bourbon trail?