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Canadian Whisky reviews

(page 6 of 60)
Canadian Club 20 Year Old

A polished dram Canadian Club 20 Year Old

Nose: a gentle intermingling of butterscotch and vanilla, along with damp wood. Deeper down I find a leafy/earthy note. With time, hints of orange or lemon zest emerge. Quite mellow yet complex enough…

@MegawattBy @Megawatt8 years ago 0 983

Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye

Dessert in a bottle Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye

This is my first rye so I'm looking at this with a scotch-lens which I know isn't appropriate.The whole experience can be summarized as "sweet."A delicious dessert hits the nose: vanilla, cherrywood,…

@NarcismBy @Narcism9 years ago 0 072

Highwood Ninety 20 Year Old

Corny Canadian Highwood Ninety 20 Year Old

This has long been one of my favourite Canadians. It comes from Highwood Distillers in High River, Alberta, and is one of the rare Canadian whiskies that is at least 20 years old. I had always thought…

@talexanderBy @talexander9 years ago 1 591

Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye

Sour, Citric, and Bitter Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye

Crown Royal reports that this whisky contains 90% rye content, and has not disclosed the grain content of the remaining 10% of the whisky. The reviewed bottle with serial number 003105408466 has been…

@VictorBy @Victor9 years ago 0 1481

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