Colonel E. H. Taylor reviews
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I happily lucked out at the LCBO lottery last year and scored a bottle of this single barrel bottled-in-bond. You can never go wrong with E.H. Taylor, amiright? Bottle code is B1704114:21K. It's been…
By @talexander6 years ago 3 792
There is lots of information on the canister that holds this bottle, and much of it is repeated on the bottle. This is a single barrel from a special part of the warehouse, bottled in bond (diluted to…
By @Nozinan7 years ago 3 284
Colonel E. H. Taylor Sour Mash was released in 2011 and was the very first release in the modern series of Col. E. H. Taylor named whiskeysNearly 100% of US whiskey is made using a "sour mash" process…
By @Victor8 years ago 1 689
I bought this whiskey on a trip to New York. I specifically hunted it down. In the UK it's £120 a bottle. I bought it in Bowery & Vine for $55. Totally thrilled.This was my first taste of American rye…
By @MuddyFunster9 years ago 0 497
I bought this whiskey on a trip to New York. I specifically hunted it down. In the UK it's £120 a bottle. I bought it in Bowery & Vine for $55. Totally thrilled.This was my first taste of American rye…
By @MuddyFunster9 years ago 0 397
This straight rye contains no corn whatsoever - it's a large percentage of rye with a small amount of malted barley.The colour is a deep, dark orange with coppery highlights. Somewhat floral on the nose…
By @talexander9 years ago 0 895
EH Taylor is one of those whiskies I hear about often but can never find so when I saw a bottle of what i thought was the Single Barrel Bourbon or Small Batch Bourbon I was naturally excited I did not…
By @GBrough10 years ago 0 094
Here is a stunning American rye whisky, not easy to find (I came across a bottle at Queen's Quay LCBO by chance). I reviewed their Small Batch bourbon some time ago (this is a Buffalo Trace brand, by the…
By @talexander11 years ago 0 291
Edmund Haynes Taylor, Jr. was a principal player in the history of American whiskey. He became invested in Old Crow—the first great sour mash bourbon—in 1860, and eventually assumed partial ownership of…
By @dbk13 years ago 0 487
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