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By @Wodha @Wodha on 4th Aug 2011, show post

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olivier replied

51 and started really getting into Whisky 5 and a half years ago.

11 years ago 0

OCeallaigh replied

I am 25 years old. I started drinking Irish whiskey casually with my brother when I was about 19, but I got really serious about all kinds of whisky shortly after I turned 21.

11 years ago 0

mrgargus replied

38 and 38 :)

11 years ago 0

Onibubba replied

In my forties. I have only been into scotch for a couple of years. Lagavulin turned me. Before this, I was much more of a beer geek, especially fond of sours, stouts, and most Belgians - they make some outstanding brews. Beer really stood out to me because for under 20.00, I could drink the best, BEST, that any style had to offer. Try saying that about wine.

11 years ago 0

YakLord replied

36...have been getting more and more into Scotch and Canadian whisky since 2009.

11 years ago 0

Nemesis101 replied

I'm 36 and started getting into single malt properly shortly after turning 30. I did enjoy the occasional bottle before that but it was never my main tipple. It's only in the past couple of years that I've really started branching out into more obscure ones and developed a distillery tried/untried checklist.

11 years ago 0

Nolinske replied

I'm 28 and I started this epic whisk(e)y journey at around 23 when I finally had a full time job to fund the exploration.

11 years ago 0


25, and I started at the same age. In fact, I hadn't drank any liquor, wine, or beer in about 7 or 8 years prior to my interest in whisky. I had a brief period when I was 16 - 17 where I drank a bit with my friends (usual teenage stuff) but stopped for a very long time after that.

My friend showed me Jameson Irish Whiskey (of all things) and it sparked my interest because it had such interesting flavours compared to anything else I'd had. Soon after, I bought a bottle of Knob Creek 9 Year and Highland Park 12 Year and thus begun my whisky journey.

11 years ago 0

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