Knob Creek's average rating is 83/100 from 42 reviews and 138 ratings
Knob Creek reviews
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I recently picked this up for £25, which is a very good price for such an age these days. Hadn't really planned on opening this until I'd finished off another bottle first but, hey, it's a lazy Sunday…
By @RianC3 years ago 8 182
Knob Creek Small Batch 9 Year Old lost its age statement for awhile, but it’s back. Fred Minnick stated in a recent video that there’s “a ton of 9 Year Knob Creek in the Beam warehouses”. I was lukewarm…
By @OdysseusUnbound3 years ago 6 286
This store pick Knob Creek single barrel was procured by @thewalkingdad from Beverage Bank in in Whitesburg, Georgia. Word was that it was a top notch barrel so he traveled a ways to grab a few bottles…
By @casualtorture4 years ago 3 292
So I sourced this in New York and its still sitting on shelves a little in the USA. Never made it to the UK.Colour: Darkish getting on to mahogany brown.Nose: big and rounded. Earthy polished mahogany…
By @MuddyFunster6 years ago 5 190
Knob Creek is a brand that Jim Beam produces in their Clermont, Kentucky, distillery. It is a so-called small batch bourbon that aims for the higher segment. Initially this was put out on the market as…
By @markjedi16 years ago 1 083
My 14-year-old daughter graduated from Grade 8 today, which is a cause for celebration. Not only for that, and not only for the huge academic improvements she's made over the last six months - but also…
By @talexander6 years ago 8 692
This is Knob Creek Single Barrel 9yo. Purchased at Midtown Corkdorks in downtown Nashville about a mile from the Nelson Greenbrier distillery (Belle Meade). Barrel #3422 "hand selected" by the retailer…
By @casualtorture7 years ago 8 991
Some things are better as an idea. Some things sound great in theory, but don't always pan out in practice. (Insert communism/capitalism/marriage joke here) Knob Creek Single Barrel may suffer from the…
By @OdysseusUnbound7 years ago 3 780
So I'm sitting at O'Hare for 2 hours waiting to fly to Beijing for my wedding. This seemed like the most appealing thing to get tipsy on before a 14hr flight over the Pacific...Sample is neatNose: A bit…
By @casualtorture7 years ago 3 1383
An unexpected irony: When I first encountered bourbons, my first purchase in 2013 was Booker’s and I was thoroughly impressed. Given its scarcity in these parts, sometime in 2014 (I believe) I decided…
By @Nozinan7 years ago 3 386
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