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Rock Oyster's average rating is 86/100 from 4 reviews and 7 ratings

Rock Oyster reviews

(page 1 of 1)
Rock Oyster 18 Year Old

Out With the Old Rock Oyster 18 Year Old

I've enjoyed every Douglas Laing blended malt I've tried. Whoever is responsible for the cask selection over there is doing a fantastic job. Rock Oyster is a vatting of malt whiskies from the various…

@OdysseusUnboundBy @OdysseusUnbound3 years ago 7 988

Rock Oyster

Make a Martini Out of This Rock Oyster

This Douglas Laing bottling is a vatting of malts from the Isles of Orkney, Arran, Jura and Islay - the idea being to create an Island blended malt to perfectly illustrate that particular style. As with…

@talexanderBy @talexander6 years ago 6 487

Rock Oyster Cask Strength

Sweet & Salt Rock Oyster Cask Strength

After the Big Peat, Scallywag and Timorous Beastie the Rock Oyster appeared, which is a representation of island whisky’s (although it also contains a bit of Islay, I have been told). The original ver…

@markjedi1By @markjedi17 years ago 1 081

Rock Oyster

Apples Rock Oyster

This is the fourth blended malt from Douglas Laing. After their Big Peat (Islay), Scallywag (Speyside), Timorous Beastie (Highlands), they now offes this Rock Oyster. It represents the Islands (although…

@markjedi1By @markjedi19 years ago 3 085

Our Rock Oyster reviews page may help with these questions

  • Where can I read Rock Oyster reviews online?
  • What is the best Rock Oyster whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Rock Oyster?
  • Is Rock Oyster peaty? Is Rock Oyster smoky?
  • Where is Rock Oyster whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Rock Oyster whiskey?
  • What Scotch region is Rock Oyster from?
  • Is Rock Oyster classed as whisky or a whiskey?